Young Women = Annoying

Sometimes I look at young people, well just the women, and I think, “UGH. You’re just so YOUNG and so PERFECT, aren’t you??! Well, UGH to you!!”

It’s not that I’m jealous. Jealousy is not a Thing for me at all. It’s more that until recently, I too was v young, and these girls just don’t care. Yes, kiddo on the street in your tiny shorts, I too had perfect long limbs. They’re actually still rather great, and attract lots of male attention (unwanted, I hasten to add). But what I’m trying to say is that I, too, was just like you girlies. It’s only all of sudden lately, so so suddenly… that I am apparently not : (

Being the tremendously positive and resilient person that I am though, I have developed a v clever way to turn that frown upside down. When I see one of these young fillies prancing along Orchard Road (no, sweetie, this isn’t bloody Fifth Avenue), I smile to myself, and think, “Ha, but you’re going to die too one day, you know! And it could be quite horrible!! In fact, you might not even make it to my age, let alone to your dotage. AND I bet that even if you do get to my age (only 38!), you won’t look half as good as moi.”

So that, dear reader(s), is how I do it. Try it some time, ladies!

I should think about becoming a life coach. I’d be awesomeness. I could trademark my unique approach, and call it something like EJ’s Transformative Total Resilience Technique TM. Likee.

4 thoughts on “Young Women = Annoying

  1. Ha ha! I confess I’ve silently thought that I look better than a lot of the young ladies I see. I’ve never said it out loud and now you’ve gotten me to admit it in writing. I’ve also thought that some of the gorgeous ones won’t look as good as I do now when they’re my age. Makes me feel a little bit good and wishing I could show them an instant compare-agram of us. Am I going straight to hell or what?
    My last four posts are about my first boyfriend, back when I was a real dork (caterpillar days, before turning into a semi-good butterfly). My next two will continue the relationship. Most recent one deals with one of the mean, but popular girls in school who had her jealous eyes on my new beau.
    Great post and sense of humor.

    • Oh, sweets, better to confess these things than to let them fester. Festering isn’t good for the chi or the forehead wrinkles!
      I’ll def have a lookee at your posts.
      Thanks for stopping by!
      EJ x

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